

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $349.00.

30-day advertising package on the Diamond K Show/ONFIRE-TV social media posts and podcasts.


Diamond K will complete a 30 second ad promoting the advertisers’ product, service or event to play on our daily shows and post on social media. Additionally, we will:

  • (FEEDS) – Post twice daily to our Facebook, Instagram, X, & TikTok.
  • (STORIES) – Post twice daily to our Facebook, Instagram, X. & TikTok.
  • (NEWS) – Ad info added to the bottom of our daily news posts. 
  • (PODCAST) – Ad info on-screen as host does 2 on-air-reads during show.
  • (LINKS) – Posted links and contact info on podcast episode description.
  • (WEBSITE) – Displayed on the advertiser section of