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The ONFIRE-TV and RADIO Network (OTR) offers a variety of live and on-demand shows from various hosts, covering topics such as politics, culture, health, and entertainment.

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We serve Urban contemporary and general news/talk stations through affiliate partnerships.

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ONFIRE-TV delivers news coverage, including politics, business, entertainment, music, and events.


Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation Relocates to Downtown Baltimore

The Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT) today announced its headquarters has relocated from State[…]


Gov. Moore: Crews remove 1,100 tons of steel from Key Bridge collapse site

Salvage crews in Baltimore are doing some heavy lifting as they work to clear the[…]


Mayor Scott Announces Recipients of ARPA-Funded $3.6 Million “Diversity in Arts Grant”

Mayor Brandon M. Scott announced the recipients of the $3.6 million Diversity in Arts Grant.[…]

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The ONFIRE-TV and Radio Network is based in Baltimore and Atlanta. We serve Urban contemporary and general news/talk stations through affiliate partnerships.

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ONFIRE-TV and Radio offers a wide range of media options, from live broadcasts to audio and video content.

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Experience ONFIRE-TV and Radio on all your devices, with seamless integration across web and mobile platforms.

Meet the Team

Get to know the passionate team behind ONFIRE-TV and Radio

Diamond K


J Jackson

Head of Production

Jamerican Tee

Content Creator

Monica Gaither

Content Creator

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